Course Details

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Sprinkler Classification and pre-calculated design for Experienced workers - 5 Day Course

 7 spaces available
 Remote Learning (held online as a virtual classroom where the candidate will be invited via Microsoft Teams))


5 day course with post course work as detailed in the course syllabus
Online Learning
System Classification and Pre-Calculated Fire Sprinkler System Design
(Experienced Worker Route)

This Course will give you the knowledge to Classify a Fire Sprinkler system, and also design a Pre-Calculated Fire Sprinkler System.

The Course currently offers a BAFSA Certificate to those who successfully complete the course, assessment and exam. 

Programme duration is 12 months to allow for submission of work based evidence and completion of required exam. 

Course objectives
This course relates to the classification of Sprinkler systems and the design of pre-calculated commercial fire sprinkler systems in accordance with the LPC Rules inc BS EN 12845. However, in order to deliver the learning outcomes, the course aim is to address the knowledge and skills required to determine the sprinkler design in relation to; the classifications, storage configurations, storage heights, system requirements, head spacing, pipework sizing and water supply configurations.

For detailed information - please see the attachment PDF


Candidates shall have the following before they can be entered onto the course:
• 3 years fire sprinkler design experience in pre calculated systems
• The Candidate shall have designed at least 2 pumphouses

The Application must be backed up with the following

• A CV Detailing their experience
• A Reference from their employer stating they meet the minimum criteria for the course
